Chapter 12 404 Conclusion Towards a smoke-free generation Between 2019 and 2021, the Netherlands moved from place 14 to 4 out of 37 countries on the European Tobacco Control Scale.45 This incredible achievement was in part due to a political window of opportunity and the tremendous efforts of three national charities that introduced the Smoke-free Generation movement to society.17 In the following years, tax increases for tobacco will be implemented, increasing the average price of a pack of cigarettes to €10, and point of sales will be further reduced by banning online sales, sales at supermarkets, and sales in cafes and restaurants. These are major steps that will contribute to a smoke-free generation. However, recent calculations by the Dutch Institute for Public Health (RIVM) showed that with the current approaches alone the National Prevention Agreement targets will not be met.46 Let this be a call to policy makers to step up the tobacco control game. Based on the work in this thesis I recommend to expand existing efforts with extending smoke-free policies to novel areas such as public outdoor and indoor (semi) private, and to focus on the improvement of individual smoking cessation programmes. Therefore concluding, by simultaneously targeting the system and aiding the individual, a smoke-free generation should be in reach.