Nienke Boderie

Assessing public support for extending smoke-free policies beyond enclosed public places and workplaces: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis 63 3 We will complement our search by screening reference lists of reviews related to the topic and of included studies and their citations through Scopus, following Bramer.27 We will update our search to add the most recent reports just before submitting our final review report for publication. Study records Data management All records identified by the search strategy will be extracted into an Endnote Library, and we will de-duplicate using this software following the procedure outlined by Bramer.28 If any duplicates remain those will be manually excluded. At this stage, duplicates will be identified based on overlapping author names and titles. The total number of detected duplicates will be noted in the final report. Selection process After removing duplicates, titles and abstracts of records identified during the literature search will be screened independently for inclusion by two reviewers. After initial selection based on screening of titles and abstracts, full-text articles will be screened for eligibility according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria by two reviewers, and discrepancies will be resolved after discussion with a third reviewer. Remaining duplicates based on populations, sample size and reported outcomes will be identified based on full text. The reviewers will not be blinded to information about the articles (e.g. authors’ names and affiliations) at any stage. Data collection process Two reviewers will independently extract relevant data from all included studies according to a customised data extraction form developed a priori that was piloted using four eligible studies. Upon completion the reviewers will compare their results and any discrepancies will again be resolved after discussion with a third reviewer. If any relevant data are missing the corresponding authors will be contacted. Data items Customised data extraction forms will be used to extract relevant information from the eligible studies, which will include the following items: