Nienke Boderie

Chapter 3 68 Public support will be pooled per subgroup for each of the five spaces categories using random-effects three-level meta-analysis.37 2. Quantify between-study determinants of public support Various study-specific elements may influence public support. Random-effects linear meta-regression analysis will be performed to assess between-study determinants of public support according to the various spaces that the policies cover. In these analyses support in favour of smoke-free policies is used as dependent variable and the following variables per study are used as independent variables: • Calendar year in which the survey was conducted (continuous); • Whether public support was assessed as yes-no or on a Likert-scale (binary); • Income level of the country, according to the World Bank classification (binary: high- versus low- and middle-income countries); and • Whether or not traditional-smoke-free legislation covering enclosed public places and workplaces was in place (categorical: none, partial, or comprehensive according to the WHO classification).23 3. Identify context-specific determinants of public support Context-specific determinants of public support will be identified using thematic synthesis. We will follow the method outlined by Thomas and Harden consisting of three steps:38 (1) coding text, (2) developing descriptive themes and (3) generating analytic themes. The full-text of each study will be extracted and uploaded into NVivo V.12 (NVivo Qualitative data analysis software V.10: QSR International Pty Ltd, 2012). As studies may provide information outside the scope of this review, coding will be limited to sentences describing details that relate to determinants of public support for smoke-free policies. In order to ensure a consistent coding methodology, three eligible articles will be coded independently by two reviewers and then compared until consensus on the themes has been reached. The remaining articles will be coded independently by two reviewers. After every five articles coding will be compared to ensure consistency. A priori four core domains have been identified: (1) beliefs and scientific evidence about effectiveness, (2) social norms, (3) communication and implementation strategies, and (4) collaboration between stakeholders.