Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 78 smoke-free law covering indoor public places and workplaces was introduced in Ireland in 2004. Finally, studies reporting support among groups with clearly vested interests such as tobacco industry groups were excluded. Data extraction Three authors independently performed the data extraction (NWB, AsS and EL), and cross-checked one another. The following information was extracted: first author’s name, publication year, type of publication, study design, location of the study, description of the policy, policy information (implementation date, level of implementation and level of enforcement), observational period, selection of participants (eligibility, sampling method), method of data collection, definition of support, method of assessment (dichotomised or Likert-scale question), statistical analysis (if applicable), numbers and percentages of missing values and non-response (if applicable), techniques for handling missing data, level of support (estimate, 95% confidence interval), personal characteristics (age, sex, smoking status, and parental status of participants), any conflict of interest reported by the authors and funding sources. Furthermore, information was extracted regarding the degree of support for a hypothetical scenario or for a policy that was (about to be) implemented. For reports including pre- and postimplementation support information was sought on all measurement points. Country income level according to World Bank classifications and information on traditional comprehensive smoke-free legislation in place according to WHO was sought externally for each report.14, 15 Risk-of-bias assessment The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT)16 was used to assess risk-of-bias of the included studies, which includes assessment of the relevance of the sampling strategy, representativeness of the target population, appropriateness of the outcome measures, risk of non-response bias, and the appropriateness of statistical methods. Data synthesis Reported support was expressed as the proportion of the surveyed population endorsing the smoke-free policy. When studies reported the proportion that was not in favour of the policy outcome estimates were reversed. If Likert scales were