Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 90 Author Places covered by smoke-free policy Measurements and comparison Findings Support (percentage, unless otherwise specified) Unrod (2012) Campus (both indoor and outdoor areas) 1 pre- and 1 postmeasurement Support for smokefree campuses did not significantly change following their introduction, for smokers as well as non-smokers. Non-smokers: Pre: 86.0% Post: 89.7% Smokers: Pre: 19.8% Post: 16.7% Waddell (2014) Parks and beaches 2 pre- and 1 postmeasurement Support for smokefree public parks and beaches did not significantly change following their introduction. Public parks: 2010: 52% 2011: 46% Post: 47% Public beaches: 2010: 48% 2011: 44% Post: 50% Wheeler (2007) Hospital campus 1 pre- and 1 postmeasurement Support for smokefree hospital campuses significantly increased following their introduction. Pre: 83.3%, Post: 89.9% Wray (2020) University campus 1 pre- and 1 postmeasurement Support for smokefree university campuses significantly increased following their introduction. Pre: 75% Post: 84% Table 3: Continued