37 PROMs in autosomal inherited bleeding disorders: A systematic literature review 2 Name of instrument Type Aim Dimensions/ domains Items and scoring Studies (n), references Psychometric qualities* VAS Generic To assess joint pain Pain Symptoms are recorded with a handwritten mark placed at one point along the length of a 10-cm line; higher scores indicate higher levels of pain 1 26 * Psychometric qualities were reported in two articles28, 33 Abbreviations: B-IPQ, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire; CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; CHQ-CF87, Child Health Questionnaire Child Form 87; CHQ-PF50, Child Health Questionnaire Parent Form 50; D-AIMS2affect, Dutch Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales-2; Haemo-QOL, Haemophilia Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children; HAL, Hemophilia Activity List score; HJHS, Hemophilia Joint Health Score; HRQoL, Health-Related Quality of Life; HUI2, Health Utilities Index Mark 2; HUI23S4.15Q, Health Utilities Index Mark 2/3 15-item Questionnaire; HUI3, Health Utilities Index Mark 3; IPAQ, Impact on Participation and Autonomy Questionnaire; IPFD, inherited platelet function disorder; ITP, immune thrombocytopenia; ITQOL, Infant and Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire; MPQ, McGill Pain Questionnaire; QoL, Quality of Life; SF-36, Short Form-36; VAS, Visual Analog Scale.