90 Chapter 3 Results of the panel(s) # Health outcome Description Patients and caregivers Healthcare professionals 14 Frequency of infusions/ factor or platelet use or other hemostatic medication The number of infusions/consumptions of factor concentrates or platelets or other hemostatic medication within a certain time period × 15 Time until recovery The duration of recovery after a bleeding episode (the presence of long-term limitations) × 16 Time until return to physical activities after a bleeding episode The duration of engagement in similar physical activities prior to the bleeding episode × 17 Impact of treatment on daily life The impact of treatment on a person’s daily life × 18 Impact of an alteration in treatment on daily life The impact an alteration in treatment (e.g. doses change, change in type of factor concentrates) has on a person’s daily life × 19 Mobility The mobility and range of motion of a person × × 20 Number of joint bleeding episodes The total number of joint bleeding episodes × × 21 Frequency of joint bleeding The total number of joint bleeding episodes per year × × 22 Joint damage The presence of joint damage due to joint bleeding episodes × 23 Number of affected joints The number of joints that are affected due to joint bleeding episodes × 24 Alterations of target joints The changes in appearance/disappearance of target joints, the number of target joints, and the target joint bleeding rate × × 25 Presence of target joints The presence and number of target joints ×