145 Study protocol of the WHIMAS 7 from available lifestyle interventions or from future preventive treatment. We aim to pave the way for personalized medicine approaches by finding brain MRI biomarkers that can identify these individuals at risk. 7.4 METHODS 7.4.1 Study design This study is an observational cross-sectional study that will be conducted at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The study (NL78641.058.21) was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee Leiden Den Haag Delft (reg. P21.114) and is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (ID-number: NCT06010511). The patient and funding organization Alzheimer Nederland has funded part of this research and is involved in the conduct and in the dissemination plans of our study. The study involves a whole-day visit at the LUMC for each participant and includes the following procedures: a 3T brain MRI scan of 60 minutes, a 7T brain MRI scan of 60 minutes, a neuropsychological assessment, and questionnaires on demographics and vascular risk factors. An overview of the study procedures can be found in figure 7.1. Objectives of the study include the following: 1) To study the association of a more complex WMH shape with anatomical, hemodynamic, and white matter integrity abnormalities on MRI; 2) To study the association between WMH shape and cognition/other cerebral SVD markers; 3) To study the association of novel MRI markers of brain clearance with cerebral SVD markers and cognition.