Jasmin Annica Kuhn-Keller

186 Appendices ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS After four eventful, intense, and certainly educational years it is now time to say thank you. The Gorter-Family has been the perfect place for this PhD journey. Thijs, thank you for your encouraging and patient supervision. I cannot put into words how grateful I am to have had a professor who was always had an open ear. Jeroen, thank you for your patience, guidance, and giving me the opportunity to do this PhD project in Leiden. I am extremely grateful that I was part of the MR-Physiology group: Leonie, Sophie, Merlijn, Thijs2, Thom, Manon, Lydiane, Emiel, Balazs, Ingmar, Barbara, Danielle, Lena, Martijn, Suzanne, Helena, Maddalena, Eva, Ellen, Sanne, thank you for so many discussions, lunches, journal clubs… I also want to thank the AGES group for an amazing and fruitful collaboration during these four years. Siggi, Villi, and Lenore, thank you for all your advice and discussions. Siggi, thank you for your patience, I really enjoyed working with you. Lydiane, you have not only been a great co-worker and mentor, but also a friend. Many of us have enjoyed the most delicious dinners at your place. Emiel, Lydiane, Mathieu, Javad, Balazs, thank you for dinners, board game nights, drinks, laughter, anything really! I will certainly never forget the great time I had with our ISMRM 2022 apartment crew, Kirsten, Yiming, Bart, Javad, Donnie, my belly still hurts from laughing. My roomie Manon, thank you for making ISMRM 2023 (my last!) unforgettable. I hope we get to travel again so we can chat all day and night. Barbara, I really enjoyed figuring out how to do cluster analysis together! We always found time for great discussions. Vesna and Ghislaine, we met in our office on 5th floor and I am so happy we stayed friends even though some of us “moved out”. Thank you for sharing all the interesting stories, coffee breaks, cutting brains, dinners, pain, cat pictures, and laughter.