Lian Tijsen

100 Chapter 4 Participants miss measurement instruments validated for the GR populations to measure the success of rehabilitation. As one rehabilitation physician stated: I want to advocate defined clinimetrics. To inform [rehabilitants] properly and measure treatment success. Theme 1.3: Exercise To achieve the highest possible exercise intensity, training moments must be integrated into the daily routine. With task-oriented exercises, rehabilitants train meaningful tasks aimed at a participation level. A rehabilitation physician explained: So, the question is, how do you integrate exercise components in the daily routine. …. So, I think, this is really, let’s say, the big picture. That we have to change the climate of how we work with the people. Patient-regulated exercises can increase the exercise intensity and stimulate the rehabilitants’ independence. If group training is focused on the goals of a rehabilitant, it can increase the exercise intensity and stimulates contact with other rehabilitants. An elderly care physician said: I think group therapy can be very efficient. ... It may help when people practice in a group and you have peer support. Theme 1.4: Daily Schedule Within a CRE, across the entire day, all activities should be focused on rehabilitation, and those activities should be stimulated. Participants are in favor of working without strict planning to be able to respond to the rhythm of the rehabilitant and stimulate interdisciplinary cooperation. As a nurse mentioned: I would prefer to have one occupational therapist and one physiotherapist on the ward structurally. Who can just help out on the ward from morning to evening, and at the same time provide therapy.