Lian Tijsen

102 Chapter 4 with technology and you have to organize your whole care process in such a way that the technology takes this into account. So, to implement it properly, there are quite a few conditions to meet. Category 2: Themes Involving Organizational Aspects Four main themes belong to this category: (1) environmental aspects; (2) staff aspects; (3) organizational aspects; and (4) factors outside the ward. Theme 2.1: Environmental Aspects The environment on a rehabilitation ward must be safe and must invite rehabilitants to practice as much as possible. As one physical therapist said about the building aspects of a rehabilitation ward: It is an interaction of a warm environment that is very stimulating and invites to start doing the things required to be able to go home. It is important that the environment resembles the domestic situation as much as possible, and everyday equipment is used. The environment should stimulate rehabilitants to practice as much as possible, and rehabilitants must have access to exercise materials all day. This can be achieved by providing exercise opportunities in the corridors and possibilities to go outside. As one manager said: When you get to the point in the rehabilitation process that you are able to practice independently on the parallel bars, then you want to do that as often as possible, I’d think. I would like to have that nearby or be allowed to go there on my own to practice. Then I can imagine it being on the ward is convenient. Theme 2.2: Staff Aspects A rehabilitation team must work in an interdisciplinary way, and the rehabilitant and their informal caregiver are seen as part of the team as well. As an elderly care physician explained: If you are referring to interdisciplinary working. That’s a core concept in rehabilitation. You have the specialist expertise in all fields, but you also have to know and be able to borrow from each other’s expertise a little bit.