Lian Tijsen

105 Professionals’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment rehabilitant. This is in line with recent literature, which states that rehabilitation is suitable for persons with all kinds of diagnoses when it is tailored to the needs, goals, and wishes of the individual rehabilitant.19,20 This confirms the relevance of tailoring the rehabilitation process to the individual rehabilitant, which is the main challenge for professionals in a CRE. The results of this study indicate that it is important in a CRE to work on a rehabilitants’ own goals and to measure them with appropriate measurement instruments. Although a recent meta-analysis could not substantiate its added value, they do see goal setting as a part of shared decision-making and as a way to respect the preferences, values, and autonomy of rehabilitants.21 A recent review endorsed the importance of personal, meaningful goals for rehabilitants and described the importance of involving rehabilitants in and informing them about the process of goal setting.22 Although the added value of goal setting with the rehabilitant requires further research, both the literature and participants of this study consider it of interest in the rehabilitation process. Involving the rehabilitant in the goal setting in a CRE is therefore recommended. Participants in this study feel that attention to the nutritional status of a rehabilitant is relevant and an optimal “food as usual” but protein-rich diet should be the goal. This is endorsed by recent literature that indicates that the nutritional status is significantly related to successful rehabilitation in older adults.23,24 The results of this study and the literature indicate the importance of attention to the nutritional status of rehabilitants. Consequently, professionals in a CRE should measure the nutritional status and choose nutrition activities accordingly. Although eHealth is currently not often used in GR, participants do see a lot of potential in eHealth for exercising, monitoring and safety during practice. Applications must be suitable for the target group. Systematic reviews show the benefits of eHealth for older persons in terms of increasing their physical activity, walking ability, and balance.25-27 A recent review on eHealth in GR confirms the benefits of integrating eHealth in GR.28 Although more research regarding eHealth in GR is necessary, the literature so far confirms the potential of eHealth for rehabilitants in GR. Therefore, eHealth may be an important aspect in CRE, and professionals should look for ways to apply eHealth in a functional way in a CRE. 4