Lian Tijsen

114 Chapter 4 Supplemental table 1 COREQ (Consolidated criteria for Reporting Qualitative research) Checklist (continued) Topic Item No. Guide Questions/Description Reported in chapter Participant selection Sampling 10 How were participants selected? E.g., purposive, convenience, consecutive, snowball Recruitment of participants Method of approach 11 How were participants approached? E.g., face-to-face, telephone, mail, email Recruitment of participants Sample size 12 How many participants were in the study? Participants Non-participation 13 How many people refused to participate or dropped out? Reasons? Participants Setting Setting of data collection 14 Where was the data collected? E.g., home, clinic, workplace Focus groups and workshops Presence of non-participants 15 Was anyone else present besides the participants and researchers? Focus groups Description of sample 16 What are the important characteristics of the sample? E.g., demographic data, date Table 1 Data collection Interview guide 17 Were questions, prompts, guides provided by the authors? Was it pilot tested? Focus groups Appendix 1 Repeat interviews 18 Were repeat interviews carried out? If yes, how many? Participants Audio/visual recording 19 Did the research use audio or visual recording to collect the data? Focus groups and workshops Field notes 20 Were field notes made during and/or after the interview or focus group? Focus groups Duration 21 What was the duration of the interviews or focus group? Focus groups and workshops