Lian Tijsen

120 Chapter 5 Method Study design Concept mapping is a highly structured procedure which combines sorting techniques with multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analyses. It was developed by Trochim and is used as an exploratory consensus procedure for modelling conceptual frameworks based on specific elements and the input of relevant stakeholders.10,11 The combination of evidence-based, expert-based and experience-based knowledge in combination with advanced statistical analyses contributes to the richness of the conceptualization of CRE. Development of statements The results of the previous review and qualitative studies on CRE were used as a basis for the statement development for the concept mapping.6-8 To optimize the content validity of the statements, two steps were taken. First, the research group assessed the results of the previous studies for topics. Second, the list of topics was reviewed, and corresponding statements were refined in multiple rounds by the research group until consensus was reached on wording and content of the statements. Recruitment of participants In a CRE, there are three important groups of stakeholders, i.e., 1) nursing staff, 2) (para)medical staff, and 3) rehabilitants and informal caregivers.6-8 Participants for this study were therefore recruited from these three groups. Persons in GR are trying to adapt to and self-manage their current condition. In line with the ideas of Huber et al. on positive health, the term ‘rehabilitants’ is more appropriate for these persons than the term ‘patients’ and will be used in this article.12 Five GR wards in the Netherlands were requested to inform their current rehabilitants and informal caregivers about this study via a leaflet, and to invite them to participate individually in this study. If rehabilitants and/or their caregivers were interested, they were put in contact with the primary researcher (LT). Potential questions of rehabilitants and informal caregivers were answered by LT during