Lian Tijsen

123 The conceptualization of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Involving Human Subjects Act does not apply to this research project and has therefore issued a waiver of consent (N19.024). Results An assessment of the results of the previous studies on CRE resulted in 141 topics regarding CRE.6-8 The research group reviewed and refined these topics into 70 statements until consensus was reached. During this review process, topics with similar content were combined in one statement and topics with multiple content were split into multiple statements. Participants A total of 71 potential participants were approached to participate in the study (33 (para)medical staff, 30 nursing staff, 18 rehabilitants and informal caregivers). Forty-six participants completed both the rating and the clustering task (Table 1): 20 (para)medical staff (60.6%), 11 nursing staff (36.7%), 15 rehabilitants and informal caregivers (83.3%). After inclusion of the data from these 46 participants, the concept map showed a stable outcome on the correlation analysis. Therefore, data saturation was reached and recruitment of participants ended. Non-responders Two professionals reported having insufficient overview of the concept CRE, four professionals had problems with the digital application and did not respond when offered a face-to-face appointment. One rehabilitant experienced the cognitive load of the clustering task as too high. Two informal caregivers had difficulties with the digital application and were unable to make a face-to-face appointment. 5