Lian Tijsen

124 Chapter 5 Table 1. Characteristics of participants (para) medical staff (n=20) Nursing staff (n=11) Rehabilitants and informal caregivers (n=15) Age (median (IQR*)) 41 (34-51) 31 (26-51) 77 (72-85) Female (n (%)) 14 (70) 11 (100) 14 (93.3) Function (n (%)) Occupational therapist 5 (25) Psychologist 1 (5) Nurse practitioner 1 (5) Speech and language therapist 2 (10) Physical therapist 7 (35) Rehabilitation physician 1 (5) Elderly care physician 3 (15) Nurse 10 (90.9) Nurse student 1 (9.1) Rehabilitant 13 (86.7) Informal caregiver 2 (13.3) Diagnosis (n (%)) Trauma 8 (53.3) Stroke 4 (26.7) Post covid 2 (13.3) Urosepsis 1 (6.7) Years of experience (median (IQR*)) 14 (6-23) 4 (2-5) *IQR = interquartile range