Lian Tijsen

125 The conceptualization of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Concept map Clustering The first step of the analysis resulted in a point map. In this point map the majority of the statements was positioned on the north, south-east and south-west section of the map (Figure 1). The second step of the analysis, the hierarchical cluster analysis, resulted in a cluster solution with five large clusters, one cluster of two statements (statements 8 and 9) and two individual statements (statements 32 and 57). Each of the five larger clusters had their own specific topic. The first cluster contained four closely clustered statements, focusing on the goal setting process and how goals are used as a guide during the rehabilitation trajectory. The second cluster contained 11 relatively closely clustered statements. These statements all focused on factors concerning the rehabilitant and the informal caregiver. The third cluster comprised 15 statements. Ten of these statements were closely clustered and five statements were more scattered. The statements in this cluster mainly concern the interdisciplinary collaboration in the rehabilitation team. The fourth cluster was very closely clustered and contained 20 statements, all focusing on the design of the rehabilitation ward. The fifth cluster was relatively scattered and contained 16 statements focusing on how exercises are offered and on peer support. The two statements in the smaller cluster of two concerned peer support during mealtime and using eHealth during exercises, and they were positioned close to cluster 5. The two individual statements concerned clustering of diagnosis groups (32) and identifying persons as rehabilitants instead of patients (57). Statement 32 was positioned just south of cluster 5 and statement 57 just east of cluster 3. Based on the content of the clusters and the position of the statements on the point map, we performed adjustments in the cluster solution, which then resulted in five clusters to describe the concept of a CRE. Statements 8, 9 and 32 were added to cluster 5 and statement 57 was added to cluster 3 (Figure 1). 5