Lian Tijsen

128 Chapter 5 Table 2. Cluster description and their statements. (continued) Number Statement Mean rating (SD*) 49 The team teaches the rehabilitant and informal caregiver how to deal with cognitive problems. 3.67 (1.02) 46 The team teaches the rehabilitant and informal caregiver how to manage stimuli and resilience. 3.35 (1.08) 10 Attention is given to the informal caregiver’s resilience, change of role, and grieving process. 3.17 (1.24) 27 The rehabilitant and the informal caregiver participate in the multidisciplinary consultation. 3.16 (1.24) 11 Rehabilitant and informal caregiver have access to and contribute to the reports. 2.91 (1.42) 26 Informal caregivers are welcome on the rehabilitation unit throughout the day. 2.72 (1.39) Cluster description This cluster’s focus is on factors concerning the rehabilitant and informal caregiver. The statements mention the coping process, the resilience and the involvement of rehabilitant and informal caregivers in the rehabilitation process. Cluster 3 Staff aspects 3.59 (1.24) 45 The team encourages the self-reliance and independence of the rehabilitant. 4.41 (0.96) 4 Nurses have a treatment role and they practice daily tasks with rehabilitants during daily care. 4.22 (0.95) 54 The team apply interdisciplinary working method and is jointly responsible for achieving goals. 4.20 (1.07) 13 Employees are flexible, interested, empathetic, active, encouraging, and motivating. 4.17 (1.04) 36 The rehabilitation team and management have a shared vision of geriatric rehabilitation. 4.02 (1.15) 35 The rehabilitation team takes into account the learning style of the rehabilitant. 3.78 (1.06) 37 All disciplines are equal and there is no hierarchy. 3.76 (1.33) 12 The team encourages rehabilitants in an unambiguous manner. 3.73 (1.03) 5 Employees deliberately chose to work in a rehabilitation unit. 3.65 (1.29) 20 Staff work in accordance with current scientific knowledge on geriatrics and rehabilitation. 3.40 (1.16) 34 The rehabilitation team also focus on a meaningful life after rehabilitation. 3.40 (1.26)