Lian Tijsen

129 The conceptualization of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Table 2. Cluster description and their statements. (continued) Number Statement Mean rating (SD*) 38 Staff encourage a positive atmosphere on the ward and contact between rehabilitants 3.38 (1.22) 43 The team offer information in different ways and at multiple moments. 3.24 (1.25) 18 A project leader or project group implements and secures the challenging rehabilitation environment in manageable steps. 3.02 (1.35) 19 Practitioners are present outside office hours if this is consistent with the rehabilitant’s goals. 2.84 (1.33) 57 Patients are referred to as rehabilitants, not patients 2.44 (1.54) Cluster description This cluster concentrates on interdisciplinary collaboration in the rehabilitation team. All team members should be focused on rehabilitation during daily activities, which is shown in their attitude. Cluster 4 Environmental aspects 3.04 (1.29) 63 The layout of the ward is challenging and provides safety to practice independently. 3.98 (1.09) 65 Exercise materials and ADL aids are available on the ward. 3.93 (1.17) 66 Rehabilitants can use exercise facilities and exercise room throughout the day. 3.89 (1.11) 41 The food is tasty, healthy and (protein) enriched, prepared with readily available products. 3.55 (1.12) 53 Relevant rooms are within walking distance and handrails are provided in the hallways. 3.46 (1.31) 68 Low-stimulus rooms and resting opportunities are available on the ward. 3.35 (1.27) 67 On the ward it is possible to practice on different surfaces and to practice stair climbing. 3.27 (1.19) 55 The bedroom has a seating area that challenges the rehabilitant to get out of bed. 3.24 (1.27) 64 Exercise rooms of the treatment disciplines are integrated in the ward and clearly visible. 3.13 (1.12) 69 There is a common room on the ward for rehabilitants to stay and exercise. 3.04 (1.28) 61 Landmarks/reference points/anchor points/ help the rehabilitant orientate in time and place. 3.02 (1.07) 70 Games, computers, newspapers and television are available on the ward to relax. 2.95 (1.24) 5