Lian Tijsen

130 Chapter 5 Table 2. Cluster description and their statements. (continued) Number Statement Mean rating (SD*) 59 The rehabilitant has a single bedroom with a private bathroom. 2.85 (1.46) 58 Treatment takes place on the ward whenever possible. 2.76 (1.36) 23 Rehabilitation takes place close to the rehabilitant’s place of residence. 2.72 (1.47) 62 The exercise rooms offer the opportunity to create privacy for the rehabilitant 2.67 (1.24) 21 The layout of the ward matches the layout of the rehabilitant’s home setting. 2.56 (1.33) 6 Rehabilitation is at a location near social activities. 2.50 (1.31) 60 The rehabilitation ward is small in size and serves a limited number of rehabilitants. 2.35 (1.36) 39 The rehabilitation ward is in a building for rehabilitation without long-term stay. 2.15 (1.17) Cluster description The focus of this cluster is on the design of the rehabilitation ward, which should stimulate and challenge rehabilitants. Statements focus on how the ward should be designed and which aids are needed. Cluster 5 Exercise and peer support 2.92 (1.21) 33 Independent exercises focus on mobility and activities of daily living. 3.89 (1.11) 29 Independent exercises should also be suitable to be performed in the home setting. 3.67 (1.26) 56 Daily therapeutic activity occurs via task-oriented training, performed as it would be at home. 3.43 (1.24) 25 Eating (preparing meals) is a practice moment that is in line with individual goals. 3.19 (1.23) 16 Group therapy focuses on goals related to mobility and activities of daily living. 3.18 (1.22) 40 Therapy moments match the rhythm and capacity of the rehabilitant, without fixed planning. 3.18 (1.16) 44 The rehabilitant receives challenging homework assignments that are evaluated. 3.18 (1.02) 28 Rehabilitants learn, encourage and support each other by means of peer contact. 3.09 (1.13) 14 Rehabilitants are encouraged to go outside on their own. 2.91 (1.25) 17 Post-discharge therapies are facilitated, if possible by the same practitioners 2.89 (1.33)