Lian Tijsen

131 The conceptualization of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Table 2. Cluster description and their statements. (continued) Number Statement Mean rating (SD*) 52 Group therapy focuses on coping with grief, cognition and communication. 2.82 (1.29) 32 Diagnosis groups are clustered as much as possible, for example stroke, trauma, etc. 2.75 (1.24) 8 eHealth applications make exercise fun and challenging 2.74 (1.21) 7 Rehabilitants can receive additional therapy moments from the therapists during walk-in hours. 2.67 (1.20) 22 Visitors who have no informal care responsibilities must observe visiting hours. 2.65 (1.53) 50 Rehabilitants work independently on improving communication, cognition and coping with grief. 2.65 (1.25) 24 eHealth monitors and clarifies changes in functioning. 2.49 (1.03) 9 The rehabilitants have meals together. 2.44 (1.36) 30 Rehabilitants learn new skills such as using technology. 2.04 (1.15) Cluster description This cluster concentrates on the way rehabilitants exercise during their rehabilitation. Statements related to promoting peer support are also part of this cluster. *SD = Standard deviation Rating Participants rated the 70 statements on a scale of 1 to 5. This resulted in a mean rating for the statements between 2.04 and 4.41 and a standard deviation of 0.95 to 1.54. Table 2 shows the results of the concept mapping, including the statements per cluster, and the rating and standard deviation per cluster and per statement. Some statements in cluster 5 have a high rating, but the total cluster rating is the lowest of all clusters. Statement 45 about stimulating self-reliance and independence has the highest score (mean 4.41, standard deviation 0.96). The mean rating of the clusters varies between 2.92 and 3.69. The subgroup analysis of the data showed an almost comparable division into clusters with a minimal difference in mean rating per cluster varying from 2.74 5