Lian Tijsen

136 Chapter 5 CRE, it is important to look at the perspectives of all relevant stakeholders, while taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. Remarkably, the statements on the use of eHealth and teaching rehabilitants new (technological) skills are rated relatively low in the current study (statements 8, 24 and 30, rating 2.04 to 2.74). Recent reviews have shown the benefits of integrating eHealth in GR, e.g., for improving physical activity, walking ability, and balance.20-23 An international survey indicated barriers to the use of eHealth in GR, such as a lack of knowledge and a lack of an organization-wide implementation strategy. Also, healthcare professionals indicated that rehabilitants find eHealth complex to use.24 These barriers could be an explanation for the low rating of these three statements in the current study. As it has proven benefits in GR, it is important that eHealth, regardless of the fact that it was rated low in this study, should be regarded as part of a CRE, now and in the future. Strengths and limitations Although the researchers tried to make the statements as accessible and easy to read as possible, some rehabilitants experienced challenges in understanding the statements. Therefore, a researcher was present at the moment rehabilitants participated in the study, and rehabilitants were able to ask for clarification. However, the decision of prioritizing and clustering was not influenced by the researcher. Another limitation was that the Ariadne application did not work on tablets. Therefore, some participants had problems with entering the Ariadne application form. All participants were offered the possibility to carry out the assignment with paper cards, after which the researcher transported their data to the application. The research group does not expect this to have influenced the results of the current study. One of the strengths of this study is that it is the first to combine the input from different stakeholders into a conceptualization of CRE. Even though the qualitative study about the perspectives of professionals on CRE included international participants, in this study the participants are all involved in geriatric rehabilitation in the Netherlands.7 It might be interesting to repeat this study with international stakeholders in the field of GR.