Lian Tijsen

152 Chapter 6 Table 4. Results of evaluation survey Number of answers (% of completed surveys) Median (IQR) How satisfied are you with the content of the statements? 37 (97.4) 8 (7-8) How satisfied are you with the comprehensibility of the statements? 37 (97.4) 7 (6-8) How satisfied are you with the outcome measure of plan/do/check/act? 37 (97.4) 7 (6-8) How satisfied are you with your time investment to complete the CREATE-tool? 36 (94.7) 7 (6-8) How satisfied are you with your time investment regarding the team discussion on the CREATEtool? 36 (94.7) 8 (7-8) How satisfied are you with the process during the team discussion of the CREATE-tool? 36 (94.7) 8 (7-8.25) How relevant do you think the outcomes of the CREATE-tool are for your work? 36 (94.7) 8 (7-8) To what extent do the results of CREATE-tool contribute to improving the challenging rehabilitation climate on your ward? 36 (94.7) 8 (7-8) To what extent does first completing the CREATE-tool individually before it is discussed collectively in the team add value? 35 (92.1) 8 (7-8) To what extent does jointly discussing the outcomes of the CREATE-tool add value? 34 (89.5) 8 (8-9) To what extent does making an improvement plan add value? 36 (94.7) 8 (7.75-9) To what extent does the CREATE-tool support the creation of a plan of action? 36 (94.7) 7 (6-8) To what extent did you recognize your personal ideas in the team discussion about the CREATEtool? 33 (86.8) 7 (6-8) To what extent are you positively motivated in your daily work by the results of the CREATE-tool? 35 (92.1) 7 (6-8) To what extent are you willing to use the CREATE-tool periodically (e.g. once every 2 years)? 36 (94.7) 8 (6-8) How likely are you to recommend the use of the CREATE-tool to other rehabilitation wards? 36 (94.7) 7 (5-8) IQR = Interquartile rate, n=38