Lian Tijsen

159 The CREATE-tool: A self-evaluation tool for a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Statement Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Cluster 1: Goals 0.56 0.63 0.69 0.69 0.63 We use the goals of the rehabilitant to guide the use of therapies and the duration of admission. C (D-C / C) C (P-C / D-C) C (D-A / C) C (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-A) We include goals, evaluations, exercises and the discharge process in the rehabilitation plan. C (D-A / D-A) D (P-A / D-C) C (P-A/ D-A) C (P-A / D-C) C (D-A / C) We cover both the inpatient period and rehabilitation at home in the rehabilitation goals. D (P-C / D-C) D (P-C / P-C) D (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / P-D) We view home visits as an integral part of rehabilitation. P (P-A / P-C) C (P-A / P-A) C (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-A) D (P-A / D-C) Cluster 2: Rehabilitant and informal caregiver 0.61 0.64 0.55 0.61 0.59 We prepare the rehabilitant and informal caregiver for the fact that rehabilitation does not stop after discharge. C (D-A / C-A) C (D-A / D-A) C (P-A / D-C) C (D-A / C) C (D-A / D-C) We formulate and adjust the rehabilitation plan in consultation with the rehabilitant and informal caregiver. C (D-A / C) C (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / C-A) C (P-A / C-A) We educate informal caregivers about skills needed during and after rehabilitation. D (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-A) C (P-A / D-C) D (P-C / D-C) C (D-A / C) We explain the medical condition to the rehabilitant and informal caregiver. C (P-A / D-A) C (P-A / D-A) C (P-A / P-C) C (D-A / D-A) D (D-A / D) We view the rehabilitant and informal caregiver as part of the rehabilitation team. D (D-C / D) D (P-A / D-C) P (P-A / P-C) D (D-C / D-C) C (D-C / D-C) We teach the rehabilitant and informal caregiver how to deal with cognitive problems. D (D-C / D-C) D (P-A / D-C) D (P-C / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / P-D) We teach the rehabilitant and informal caregiver how to manage stimuli and resilience. C (P-A / C) C (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / D) 6