Lian Tijsen

161 The CREATE-tool: A self-evaluation tool for a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Statement Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) We deliberately choose to work on a rehabilitation ward. A (C-A / A) A (D-A / C-A) C (P-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-A) A (P-A / C-A) We work in accordance with current scientific knowledge on geriatrics and rehabilitation. C (D-A / C) C (D-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) C (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-C) We also focus on a meaningful life after rehabilitation. C (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-C) D (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / C-A) We encourage a positive atmosphere on the ward and contact between rehabilitants. C (P-A / D-A) C (D-A / C-A) C (P-A / C-A) C (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / C) We offer information in different ways and at multiple moments. D (P-C / D-C) C (P-A / D-A) D (P-A / P-C) C (D-A / D-A) D (P-A / D-C) We have a project leader or project group that implements and secures the challenging rehabilitation environment in manageable steps. C (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / D-C) D (P-A / P-C) C (P-A / D-A) D (P-C / D) On our ward practitioners are present outside office hours if this is in line with the rehabilitant’s goals. P (P-D / P) P (P / P) P (P-C / P) C (P-A / P-C) P (P-A / P-D) We refer to patients as rehabilitants instead of patients. A (C-A / A) A (D-A / A) A (D-A / A) C (D-A / C-A) C (D-A / D-A) Cluster 4: Environmental aspects 0.41 0.53 0.60 0.65 0.69 Our ward has a challenging layout and provides safety to practice independently. D (P-C /D) D (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / P-A) D (D-A / D-C) D (P-A / P-C) We have exercise materials and ADL aids available on our ward. D (D-C / D-C) C (P-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) We offer rehabilitants the possibility to use exercise facilities and exercise rooms throughout the day. P (P-D / P-D) D (P-A / P-C) C (P-A / D-C) D (P-C / D-C) D (P-A / P-D) We offer tasty, healthy, and (protein) enriched food, prepared with readily available products. D (D-C / D-C) D (P-C / P-D) C (P-A / C-A) C (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-C) 6