Lian Tijsen

162 Chapter 6 Statement Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) On our ward, relevant rooms are within walking distance and handrails are provided in the hallways. D (P-C / P-C) D (P-A / P-A) A (D-A / C-A) D (P-A / P-A) C (P-A / D-A) On our ward, low-stimulus rooms and resting opportunities are available. P (P-C / P-C) D (P-A / P-C) P (P-C / P) D (P-C / P-C) D (P-A / P-C) On our ward it is possible to practice walking on different surfaces and to practice stair climbing. P (P-C / P-D) P (P-A / P-A) D (P-A / D) C (P-A / P-A) C (P-A / D-C) On our ward, the bedroom has a seating area that challenges the rehabilitant to get out of bed. P (P-A / P-C) P (P-A / P-C) D (P-A / D-C) C (P-A / P-A) C (P-A / C-A) On our ward, the exercise rooms of the treatment disciplines are integrated and clearly visible. P (P / P) P (P-A / P-C) D (P-A / P-C) D (P-A / P-C) D (P-A / P-D) On our ward, there is a common room for rehabilitants to stay and exercise. D (P-C / D-C) C (D-A / D-C) A (P-A / P-A) C (P-A / D-A) C (P-A / D-C) On our ward, landmarks/reference points/anchor points help the rehabilitant orientate in time and place. D (P-C / P-C) D (P-C / P-C) C (P-A / C) D (P-A / D-A) C (D-A / C-A) On our ward, games, computers, newspapers, and television are available to relax. D (D-A / D-C) C (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) A (C-A / C-A) On our ward, the rehabilitant has a single bedroom with a private bathroom. P (P-D / P) P (P-A / P-C) P (P-D / P) A (D-A / D-A) A (C-A / A) We provide treatment on the ward whenever possible. D (P-D / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) A (P-A / C-A) C (D-A / D-A) A (C-A / A) We offer rehabilitation close to the rehabilitant’s place of residence. C (C-A / C-A) C (P-A / P-A) P (P-A / P-C) C (D-A / D-A) A (D-A / C-A)