Lian Tijsen

163 The CREATE-tool: A self-evaluation tool for a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Statement Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) Median (range/IQR) On our ward, the exercise rooms offer the opportunity to create privacy for the rehabilitant. P (P-C / P-D) C (P-A / P-A) P (P-D / P) D (P-A / P-C) P (P-A / P-D) On our ward, the layout matches the layout of the rehabilitant’s home setting. D (P-A / D) D (P-A / P-C) P (P-C / P) D (P-D / P-D) D (P-A / D) We offer rehabilitation at a location near social activities. D (P-C / P-C) P (P-A / P-A) P (P-A / P) D (P-C / P-C) D (P-C / P-C) Our ward is small in size and serves a limited number of rehabilitants. D (P-A / P-C) A (D-A / A) D (P-A / P-C) D (P-A / P-C) A (P-A / C-A) Our ward is in a building for rehabilitation without long-term stay. P (P-A / P-C) P (P-A / P) A (P-A / C-A) A (D-A / A) P (P-A / P) Cluster 5: Exercise and peer support 0.51 0.62 0.54 0.62 0.54 We offer rehabilitants independent exercises focused on mobility and activities of daily living. C (C-A / C-A) A (D-A / A) A (D-A / C-A) C (D-A / D-A) D (P-A / D-C) We offer rehabilitants independent exercises suitable to be performed in the home setting. C (D-A / C-A) A (D-A / A) A (D-A / D-A) C (D-A / D-A) D (P-A / D-C) We practice daily therapeutic activities via task-oriented training, performed as it would be at home. C (P-C /C) A (P-A / C-A) D (P-A / D-C) C (P-C / D-C) C (P-A / D-C) We see eating (preparing meals) as a practice moment that is in line with individual goals. C (P-C / C) C (P-A / P-A) C (P-A / D-C) C (D-A / D-A) D (P-A / D-C) We encourage rehabilitants to have meals together. A (C-A / A) A (D-A / C-A) A (D-A / A) A (P-A / D-A) A (C-A / A) We offer group therapy focused on goals related to mobility and activities of daily living. D (D-C / D-C) D (P-A / D-A) P (P-C / P-C) C (P-A / D-A) D (P-A / P-C) 6