Lian Tijsen

174 Chapter 7 conceptualization about the layout of the ward being challenging and providing safety to practice independently can be an example of nudging. This could include exercise equipment in communal areas or chairs in corridors that can provide an extra moment of rest while walking. Another example of nudging is the statement about offering enriched food, which can be seen as nudging towards a healthy eating pattern. Therefore, nudging seems an interesting methodology to encourage rehabilitants and to apply within a CRE. eHealth Of the 70 statements in the conceptualization of CRE, only two statements mention the use of eHealth. eHealth can support monitoring of outcomes, clarify changes in functioning, and make exercise fun and challenging. However, it is remarkable that eHealth is not mentioned more often in the conceptualization, as it has proven its benefits in geriatric rehabilitation. Recent reviews have shown positive effects of eHealth, e.g. for improving physical activity, walking ability, and balance.20-23 A possible explanation for the limited presence of eHealth in the conceptualization may be the way this conceptualization was developed. eHealth was not included in the search strategy for the review of chapter 2, so, all aspects regarding eHealth in the conceptualization originated from the input of professionals, rehabilitants and informal caregivers. As rehabilitants and informal caregivers are not always aware of the developments regarding eHealth in geriatric rehabilitation, the input regarding eHealth was mainly given by professionals. A recent international survey indicated that professionals felt that eHealth is complex for rehabilitants to use, and that a lack of knowledge and insufficient resources were important barriers for the use of eHealth in geriatric rehabilitation.24 These factors may explain why eHealth was not mentioned more often in the final conceptualization of CRE. Regardless that eHealth is only explicitly mentioned in two statements, it can support achieving the topics identified in the other statements. For example, eHealth can support in challenging rehabilitants to practice independently, it can help in providing appropriate information (e.g. about the condition for which they are rehabilitating), and it can support rehabilitants in managing stimuli and coping with disabilities.