Lian Tijsen

175 General discussion Methodological considerations The conceptualization of CRE and the CREATE-tool were created based on an extensive study that combined both literature and input from relevant stakeholders. Nevertheless, there are some aspects regarding the methodology that should be discussed here. Dream or reality? Qualitative research is the best method to come to an understanding of a phenomenon through the experiences of those involved.25 Therefore, qualitative research was the preferred method to gain insight in the concept of CRE. In addition to the results of the narrative review described in chapter 2, the conceptualization of CRE and the CREATE-tool are based on the input of professionals, rehabilitants and informal caregivers in the two qualitative studies described in chapter 3 and 4. During these qualitative studies the participants were asked to dream freely about what they thought an optimal CRE should look like. It is debatable if participants described their real dream for an optimal CRE during these meetings. It is suspected that most participants mainly described the current situation and the improvements regarding CRE they were currently working on. As a result, not all possibilities and dreams for a CRE were mentioned in these studies. To obtain the most diverse input possible, many different stakeholders were included. As a result, developments in various organizations were included, and through the participation of experts in the field of rehabilitation, an attempt has been made to include future developments in the final concept. This does not mean that it includes all future developments in the concept of CRE. Given the rapid follow-up of research in the field of geriatric rehabilitation, and in particular eHealth, the concept of CRE should be a dynamic concept. Participants selection One of the methodological issues regarding the studies in this thesis is the sampling of the professional participants. The studies described in chapter 4, 5 and 6 all used the input of professionals in the data collection. Because these three studies selected participants within the same organizations, it was inevitable that some professionals participated in all three studies. This can have influenced the 7