Lian Tijsen

176 Chapter 7 results by strengthening the internal validity, however the results may be less generalizable. In chapter 4 the participants described their perspectives regarding CRE and in chapter 5 they clustered the statements regarding CRE. The results of these studies were integrated in the CREATE-tool. Therefore, professionals who participated in all three studies could (partially) recognize their vision in the final concept of CRE and the CREATE-tool. In chapter 6 the use of the CREATE-tool was evaluated in a survey. Because participants in this study were able to partially recognize their own perspectives in the content of the tool, this may have influenced how they completed this survey. In particular, the questions regarding the content and relevance of the statements may have been assessed more positively. In the final concept of CRE and the CREATE-tool the input from various stakeholders was combined with the results of the narrative review described in chapter 2. The qualitative studies described in this thesis used input from participants from many different organizations, as well as input from (inter)national experts. This has led to a rich conceptualization that shows a broad vision of CRE, and the final conceptualization cannot be traced back to input form individual participants. Therefore, it is expected that previous participation in studies related to CRE did not influence the results of the survey regarding the use of the CREATE-tool in Chapter 6. Regarding the sampling of participants, the external validity is another methodological issue in this thesis. All participants were motivated professionals, rehabilitants and informal caregivers. The organizations participating in these studies operated mainly in areas with a high socio-economic status. In addition, the participants mainly had a Dutch cultural background, only in the study in chapter 4 there was input from an international group of experts. This thesis has not examined the external validity of the CRE concept, therefore the results should be interpreted with caution regarding generalization towards populations with a different (cultural) background.