Lian Tijsen

179 General discussion Implications for education This thesis has identified some important points for the education of professionals. One of the most important aspects of a CRE is interprofessional collaboration. The best place to start interprofessional collaboration is at the start of the training of future professionals! If students are taught to collaborate beyond the boundaries of their own field during their education, this will have an impact on the collaborations during their working life. As one of the participants of the study in chapter 4 said, “this interprofessional education should not stop when professionals have obtained their diploma, but requires continuous education”. Interprofessional team trainings are an excellent way to stimulate interprofessional collaboration during regular working days. These team trainings will strengthen the team spirit, allow professionals to learn from each other, improve effective communication, and help professionals find each other in the workplace.28 What this thesis has further demonstrated is the importance of the environment in which rehabilitation takes place. A stimulating and challenging environment can challenge rehabilitants to work on their rehabilitation outside therapy hours. It is good to emphasize this importance of the environment in the training of healthcare professionals. But even more important is the training of non-health care professionals involved in the design of rehabilitation departments. They should be aware of the importance of a challenging environment for rehabilitants and be trained in ways to achieve this. Healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals must be taught how to speak each other’s language to achieve the best possible result together. A good example of this is the “Bij Ons” tool, in which healthcare professionals and architects work together to design a nursing home which gives residents with dementia a feeling of home.29 In a CRE, professionals work together in an interdisciplinary manner and all team members are jointly responsible for increasing therapeutic activities of rehabilitants. Many different disciplines work together in an interdisciplinary team, but the professional with whom patients spent the most time is the nurse. If nurses incorporate exercises in their daily contact with rehabilitants, this can increase therapeutic activities with almost one hour a day.30,31 It is therefore important that these practice moments are regularly mentioned during the training of pro7