Lian Tijsen

180 Chapter 7 fessionals, and all professionals involved in rehabilitation must regard the nurse as a therapist. Future research This thesis brings a solid foundation for the challenging rehabilitation environment, but like any research, it raises further research questions. One of the research questions for this thesis was which aspects are important for a CRE and how can they be combined in a conceptualization. Now that this conceptualization has been established, it is important to conduct further research into the effectiveness of using the concept of CRE for quality improvement activities. As mentioned above, specific parts of this concept have already been studied. It is necessary to conduct further research into the effect of combining all these aspects. CRE is an extensive concept and many rehabilitation wards have implemented certain parts of this concept, which is why action research seems to be an appropriate method for further research. The second research question of this thesis has resulted in a team self-evaluation tool. This thesis shows evidence that this CREATE-tool is helpful for rehabilitation wards to identify their areas for improvement regarding CRE. Further research can be conducted into the long-term effect of the use of the CREATE-tool on the CRE of rehabilitation wards. This requires an implementation study and could be part of the above-mentioned action research. Regarding the methodology of the studies that have resulted in the CREATE-tool, some limitations have been mentioned above. These limitations raise new research questions. Geriatric rehabilitation is a rapidly developing field of interest in both clinical practice and scientific research. It is not certain that all these developments are included in the conceptualization of CRE developed in this thesis. Therefore, it is important that we remain alert to new developments and, if applicable, update the current conceptualization. The studies in this thesis mainly took place in the Netherlands. Recent studies have shown that despite of a consensus definition, there are international differences in the way geriatric rehabilitation is offered and in inclusion criteria.32,33 To increase the external validity of the concept, it is paramount to study to what