Lian Tijsen

181 General discussion extent the current conceptualization is endorsed internationally and whether the developed CREATE-tool is feasible in other countries. Completing the full procedure of the CREATE-tool is relatively time-intensive, which is why it is recommended to only do this once every two years. During these two years it is desirable to monitor whether CRE on a ward is developing in the desired direction. A short and quick checklist should be developed and evaluated for this purpose. Results of both the CREATE-tool and the conceptualization point in the direction of involving rehabilitants and informal caregivers in the rehabilitation process. It is necessary to investigate how they can be involved in shaping CRE on a rehabilitation ward, as this is under studied. It should be explored whether the CREATE-tool can be further developed into a tool for rehabilitants and informal caregivers. This thesis focused on inpatient rehabilitation. But not all patients receive inpatient rehabilitation. And even if they do, the rehabilitation starts in the hospital and continues after discharge in their home situation. All these phases of rehabilitation together ensure an optimal rehabilitation result, and aspects of a CRE are important during all these phases. It is therefore recommended that further research will be conducted into which aspects of CRE are relevant during hospital admission and during rehabilitation at home. This may lead to further research into possible adjustments to the CREATE-tool so that it can be applied in these settings. 7