Lian Tijsen

191 Summary pants all had recent experience in (geriatric) rehabilitation. Thematic analysis led to 13 themes, divided into nine themes related to the rehabilitation process and four themes related to the organizational process. The themes related to the rehabilitation process had to do with: 1) rehabilitant; attention for resilience, motivation, cognition and emotional aspects, 2) rehabilitant centered; goal setting, coping and physical and cognitive functioning, 3) informal caregivers; involving informal caregivers and attention for their resilience and the relationship between informal caregiver and rehabilitant, 4) communication; aligning the rehabilitation process, 5) exercise; increasing intensity by using task-oriented exercise, patient-regulated exercise and group training, 6) peer support; for recognition and learning from each other, 7) daily schedule; influence on the planning and activities outside therapy, 8) nutrition; provides energy for rehabilitation, and 9) eHealth; this makes rehabilitation more challenging and fun. The themes related to the organizational process were: 1) environmental aspects; single bedrooms, shared room for activities and therapy options on the ward, 2) staff aspects; a small team with a motivating and empathetic attitude, 3) organizational aspects; organized in an efficient way, and 4) return home; a well-prepared discharge process with attention to home visits. In chapter 4 the perspective of professionals regarding the challenging rehabilitation environment were studied. For this purpose, 13 focus groups were organized with both national and international experts and rehabilitation professionals. In addition, four workshops were given at two Dutch conferences. A total of 69 professionals participated in a focus group and 180 professionals in a workshop. Thematic analysis led to 11 relevant themes for the challenging rehabilitation environment. The themes were similar to those that emerged in the study with rehabilitants and informal caregivers. However, in the analysis of this study, the theme of communication was a subtheme in involving informal caregivers and the theme of peer support was a subtheme in the theme of exercises. This led to seven themes related to the rehabilitation processes: 1) rehabilitant; attention for resilience and cognitive functioning, 2) goals; setting personal goals, 3) exercise; increasing exercise intensity, 4) daily schedule; following the daily rhythm, 5) involving the client system; informal caregivers participation, 6) nutrition; influences rehabilitation capability, and 7) technology; makes rehabilitation more safe and challenging. Four themes were identified regarding the organizational