Lian Tijsen

207 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum vitae Lian Tijsen was born on the 11th of Oktober 1985, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. During her childhood, she lived in Budel. In 2004, she completed her secondary education with a Cum Laude Atheneum degree at the Bisschoppelijk College in Weert. Subsequently, she studied physical therapy at Fontys Allied Health Professions in Eindhoven, which she graduated in 2008 with a bachelors degree. In 2008 Lian started working as a physical therapist at Zorgboog in Helmond / Bakel, the Netherlands. Here she started working with residents of nursing homes, but soon specialized in geriatric rehabilitation. In 2011 Lian started the master physical therapy for the geriatrics at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, which she finished in 2014 with a Master of Science (with honors). During this education her interest in scientific research was further stimulated. In 2018 Lian was given the chance to start her PhD research at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the Leiden University Medical Center. This research was funded by a collaboration of Zorgboog (Helmond / Bakel) and Oktober (Bladel). Lian started the CREATE study (Challenging REhAbiliTation Environment), which focused on a challenging rehabilitation environment in geriatric rehabilitation. In December 2022, Lian stopped working as a physical therapist. Since then, she has combined her PhD research with the position of project leader for outpatient geriatric rehabilitation and Science Practitioner at Zorgboog. In this position she works on building bridges between science and practice, and she is affiliated with the University Knowledge Network for Elderly Care Nijmegen (UKON) of Radboudumc. Lian lives in Uden with her partner Harm. They are expecting their first child in November.