Lian Tijsen

33 Challenging Rehabilitation Environment for older persons In all these team models the aim is rehabilitation of the patient, whereas the focus of the professionals often differs. In intradisciplinary teams the focus is usually on function level; with the transition towards multidisciplinary teams this focus shifted to a combination of function and activity level. With interdisciplinary teams, this was shifted more towards ADL activities and, to a certain extent, towards participation level.62,63 In these four types of team models, a major difference is the level of working on shared goals and the communication between team members. Whereas in intradisciplinary teams there are no shared goals and little communication between professionals, this develops through multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams towards very good communication in transdisciplinary teams. In this latter model, professionals cross the border into another team member’s professionalism and each team member is responsible for each goal. A shared conceptual framework is used, where discipline-specific theories, concepts and approaches are combined.62,63 An interdisciplinary team and a transdisciplinary team model are similar. One difference is that, in a transdisciplinary team, the patient is also seen as a team member. Also, in a transdisciplinary team, the responsibility of all team members for all goals is more firmly stated, compared to an interdisciplinary team.62,63 Not all types of team models have been included in studies on the influence of team models on rehabilitation. The common result in these studies was the importance of shared goals throughout rehabilitation and good communication within the rehabilitation team.62,63 However, the recommended level of integration between the professionalism of the different team members were not consistent in the various studies. This resulted in a disagreement between the recommendation for a multidisciplinary team model or a transdisciplinary team model.62,63 Taking into account the role of the patient in a transdisciplinary team model and the responsibility of all team members for all goals in this model, preference is given to a transdisciplinary team model. 2