Lian Tijsen

48 Chapter 3 functioning of a rehabilitant. The availability of an informal caregiver during and after the rehabilitation is beneficial for the rehabilitation outcomes.8 Therefore, it is essential to know their vision about an optimal rehabilitation environment. The aim of the CREATE study (Challenging REhAbiliTation Environment) is to substantiate the added value of the concept of CRE.9 In this study we therefore explore the perspectives of rehabilitants and their informal caregivers regarding components that are relevant for modelling and understanding the principles of a CRE. By integrating the evidence found in the literature and the perspectives of rehabilitants, informal caregivers and professionals, an evidence-based conceptualization of CRE can be developed. Methods Study design A qualitative study, consisting of focus groups and telephone interviews, was performed between September 2019 and October 2020. The aim of this research was to explore the perspectives of (older) rehabilitants and informal caregivers on the concept of CRE. Qualitative research attains to gain a better understanding of a phenomenon through the experiences of those involved.10 We adhered to the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) for improving the quality of reporting qualitative research (see Supplemental Table).11 Recruitment of participants Organizations affiliated with the six scientific networks (living labs) for elderly care in the Netherlands demonstrate interest in scientific research. Therefore, these organizations were approached by email with information about this study.12 They were requested to inform rehabilitants and their informal caregivers about the study, and to ask them to individually participate. In addition, members of a patient association for patients with acquired brain injury ‘Hersenletsel’, were asked to participate.13 We aimed at a mix of participants with different diagnoses and ages.