Lian Tijsen

49 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Rehabilitants and informal caregivers were included if they were currently participating or had recently participated in a (geriatric) rehabilitation process. Rehabilitants and informal caregivers were excluded if they were diagnosed with dementia, were (legally) unable to give informed consent, or were not proficient in the Dutch language. If rehabilitants and/or their caregivers were interested in the study, they received an information leaflet. If they remained interested or had additional questions, they were put in contact with the primary researcher (LT). Questions were answered, and the informed consent form was signed by the participant and LT. If an informal caregiver participated without the rehabilitant, the rehabilitant was asked for permission to interview the informal caregiver. An appointment was then made for a focus group or telephone interview. We aimed for data saturation, and after each focus group or interview, the authors discussed whether any new topics had emerged. Inclusion stopped when no new topics emerged. Data collection In preparation for the data collection, a topic list was established based on the above-mentioned review (appendix 1).8 This topic list was piloted with a group of researchers. The content of the list was determined in an iterative process, and adapted based on the pilot and previous focus groups or interviews. The focus group interviews were chaired by BB and LT. Female nursing senior researcher in the field of rehabilitation BB has experience in qualitative research and chairing discussion groups. Physical therapist LT is a female PhD student with formal training in interview techniques and qualitative research and 10 years’ experience in geriatric rehabilitation. The focus groups were held on rehabilitation wards in various regions in the Netherlands. All focus groups were performed in meeting rooms and only the participants and researchers were present. 3