Lian Tijsen

50 Chapter 3 Due to COVID-19, we switched from focus group meetings to individual, semi-structured, telephone interviews with informal caregivers during the data collection. These interviews were conducted by LT, using the same topic list. Each focus group and telephone interview began with a brief introduction by the researchers on the topic of the focus group, followed by an introduction of the participants. The participants were then asked to share their perspectives on CRE. The chair used open ended questions based on the topic list and further explored the answers that were given. To increase the internal validity, participants were also asked to share their perspectives on subjects not mentioned in the topic list, but which they considered important regarding CRE. During each focus group and interview, LT made field notes. On average the focus groups lasted 90 minutes and the telephone interviews 45 minutes. Both were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim by LT. Transcripts were not returned to participants, but at the end of every interview the chair verified a verbal summary with the participants. Data analysis Simultaneous with the data collection, thematic analysis was performed to identify, analyze, and report patterns in the data.10,14 ATLAS.ti version 7.5 was used for coding the data in the analyzing process. LT read and re-read the data to become familiar with the data, after which initial themes were identified while reading through the transcript using an open-coding approach. These initial themes were checked by BB and ED to determine inter-rater comparison. ED is a female nursing senior researcher with experience in qualitative research. Differences in the coding were discussed by LT, ED, and BB, until an agreement was reached. Each initial theme was described in a memo. The identified initial themes were combined into main themes with associated sub-themes. The connections and contradictions between the initial themes