Lian Tijsen

51 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment were described per main theme, and connections between main themes were described. Each main theme was assessed for data saturation, after which the research team discussed the contents of the main themes. After agreement was reached in the research team, each main theme was meticulously described, and relevant quotes were identified and translated from Dutch into English. Results Participants The approached rehabilitants (15) and informal caregivers (6) all agreed to participate. In September and October 2019, a total of three focus group interviews were conducted and in September and October 2020, three telephone interviews were held with informal caregivers. Rehabilitants were between 43 and 90 years old and informal caregivers between 49 and 77 years old. Rehabilitation diagnoses were lower limb amputation, trauma, hip fracture, COPD and acquired brain injury, including stroke. Characteristics of the participants are shown in table 1. Table 1. Characteristics of participants Rehabilitants (n=15) Informal caregivers (n=6) Age Range (median) 43-90 (75) 49-77 (72) Gender Male 9 2 Female 6 4 Diagnosis Lower limb amputation 2 Trauma, excl. hip fracture 5 1 Hip fracture 1 COPD 1 Acquired brain injury, incl. stroke 6 5 Relationship Spouse 5 Daughter 1 3