Lian Tijsen

53 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Table 2. Themes involving rehabilitation process Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Rehabilitant CRE is suitable for all diagnoses groups. Attention must be given to resilience, motivation and cognitive and emotional aspects of rehabilitants. Resilience The resilience of rehabilitants can vary and may differ from pre-diagnosis. Rehabilitants would like guidance on how to deal with this, as they often tend to go beyond their limits. Motivation Participants think being motivated for rehabilitation is important. Motivation differs per rehabilitant. Working on the individual rehabilitation goals, strong involvement of professionals and the use of technologies can be motivating. Cognitive and emotional aspects Rehabilitants feel frustrated when dependent on professionals and informal caregivers. Especially in case of neurological diagnoses, rehabilitants do not always feel others empathize with what they are going through. They would like more consideration for and better explanation of their problems, for themselves and also for their caregivers. These problems include, for example, altered stimulus processing, overburden, decline of executive functions, dealing with emotions, loss of memory and loss of initiative. Diagnosis CRE is suitable for all diagnoses. Although rehabilitants appreciate having rehabilitants with similar diagnoses on the ward, they do not consider complete differentiation based on diagnosis necessary. 3