Lian Tijsen

54 Chapter 3 Table 2. Themes involving rehabilitation process (continued) Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Rehabilitantcentered process The rehabilitation process should be tailored to a rehabilitants situation. This includes the goal setting process, the level of physical and cognitive functioning and coping with the life event for which they are rehabilitating. Goal setting Rehabilitation goals must fit seamlessly with the rehabilitants’ situation. Although rehabilitants think that working on their individual goals is motivating, they do not always feel involved in the goal setting process. Some rehabilitants may not be able to set individual goals at the start of their rehabilitation and most of them value the opinion of the professionals. Participants agree that some goals are better achieved at home, not during inpatient rehabilitation. Tailor-made rehabilitation Rehabilitation must be tailored to the rehabilitant’s abilities. This tailoring depends on several factors, which sometimes also existed before rehabilitation, e.g. level of physical and cognitive functioning. Rehabilitants with the ability to manage the intensity and planning of the rehabilitation valued this positively. Coping with life event The coping process, which can be compared to a grieving process, can influence the goal setting, and continues after discharge. Rehabilitants and their caregivers must regain confidence in themselves. Contact with fellow rehabilitants and guidance by professionals, e.g. a psychologist, can help with coping.