Lian Tijsen

56 Chapter 3 Table 2. Themes involving rehabilitation process (continued) Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Exercise Exercise intensity in a CRE should be as high as possible. This can be achieved by integrating task-oriented exercises, patient-regulated exercises and group training into the daily structure. Therapeutic activity Although the therapeutic activity varies, most participants indicate they would like to see a higher therapy intensity, with guidance to help avoid overburden. Participants see a role for informal caregivers and nurses to stimulate extra therapeutic activity. Group training Rehabilitants who had experienced it are very positive about group training and find it motivating and helpful to learn from each other. Those without experience in group training cannot imagine how it can be tailored to a rehabilitant’s individual goals and situation. They expect it to be less intensive than individual training. Task-oriented exercise Rehabilitants think doing task-oriented exercises, matching their goals and level of functioning, is important. Nurses can be supportive in task-oriented exercises. Rehabilitants want to be independent and need professionals to guide them in safe independent practice training during their daily routine. Patient-regulated exercise Rehabilitants do think patient-regulated exercise is important to increase the therapy intensity, but they need guidance. Exercises need to fit rehabilitant needs, and follow up by professionals is desired. Rehabilitants have concerns regarding overburden, practicing at insufficient intensity, and safety when training individually in therapy rooms without supervision. Peer support Peer support is important for learning experiences, putting things in perspective and recognition. Most rehabilitants think peer support is important for support, putting things in perspective, and recognition. They feel that they are not alone with these problems. Rehabilitants can learn from each other and practicing together can be motivating. Rehabilitants can have a positive or negative effect on the group dynamic.