Lian Tijsen

58 Chapter 3 Table 3. Themes involving organizational processes Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Environmental aspects A rehabilitation ward should have single bedrooms, a shared room for activities, the possibility to go outside, and therapy options on the ward. Location of rehabilitation Rehabilitation should take place close to their own home, in a central location that is easy for people to visit, and also offers other activities so rehabilitants can go shopping. They would rather not rehabilitate in a nursing home with permanent residents, which confronts them with suffering. Building aspects Rehabilitation should take place in small wards with a shared room for activities and mealtimes, and the possibility to go outside. Most participants would like to see therapy options on the ward. The therapy room must have sufficient space, good climate control, and must be easy to adjust based on their needs. Chairs should be provided in long corridors. Rehabilitants with acquired brain injury want attention for low-stimulus areas to avoid overstimulation. Bedrooms All participants want a single bedroom, with a private bathroom. They see benefits to having privacy in the areas of exercise options, night rest, privacy, hygiene and for coping with everything that is happening. Tools On a rehabilitation ward there must be sufficient and practical aids, like exercise material, walking aids, lifting aids and eating and drinking aids. Bicycles, a walking circuit, relevant games, tablet with aphasia programs and walking rails are named as examples of desired exercise materials.