Lian Tijsen

60 Chapter 3 Table 3. Themes involving organizational processes (continued) Main theme Brief description Sub-theme Description Return home The discharge process must be well prepared and supervised. Home visits allow rehabilitants to practice meaningful tasks in their own environment in preparation for their discharge. Home visit Home visits during the rehabilitation process are effective to see whether it is possible to function at home and which home adjustments are needed. However, confrontation with (un)expected disabilities can make a home visit emotionally challenging. Discharge process Although some participants think the rehabilitation process is going too fast, most want to keep their time on the ward as short as possible. Good and timely communication about this process is important. Collaboration with external care professionals It is important for transfers between the different settings in a rehabilitation process to take place in a good and timely manner. Participants who have experienced a gap in this process feel they have deteriorated because of it. Participants need advice from (community) therapists with sufficient experience to continue the rehabilitation after discharge. Outpatient rehabilitation Rehabilitants are not sure if their rehabilitation would be faster at home or on a rehabilitation ward. They are all aware that the rehabilitation process continues after discharge. Therapy intensity at home can depend on the funding of health care insurers.