Lian Tijsen

61 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment Category 1: Themes involving rehabilitation process This category consists of nine main themes, namely 1) rehabilitant, 2) rehabilitant centered, 3) informal caregivers, 4) communication, 5) exercise, 6) peer support, 7) daily schedule, 8) nutrition, and 9) eHealth. Theme 1.1: Rehabilitant Rehabilitants must learn to deal with changing resilience. Participants agree that some rehabilitants have to be motivated for rehabilitation, while others need slowing down. As one rehabilitant with acquired brain injury said, Because of course there are two extremes. For some things you have to be pulled out of bed, because you don’t want to get out of bed, but you have to anyway. And other people start sprinting very quickly, while in fact well... maybe you shouldn’t. Participants experience feelings of dependency and changes in cognitive and emotional aspects. According to a rehabilitant with a stroke it is important to provide explanations about these changes to both the rehabilitant and his informal caregivers, But even with people who are very close, who really know what is going on etc. Well, I still run into things. Then I think yes... even they don’t quite get this. Rehabilitants value having peers with similar diagnoses on a rehabilitation ward. But, as one rehabilitant with acquired brain injury said, complete differentiation on diagnoses is not necessary, I do agree with you that you really want to be in a like-minded group. But I want to decide for myself where to sit. Theme 1.2: Rehabilitant-centered process The rehabilitation process must be tailored to the individual goals, abilities, and situation. Working on individual goals can be motivating, but not all rehabilitants are able to set their goals at the beginning of the process, as one rehabilitant with acquired brain injury said, 3