Lian Tijsen

62 Chapter 3 But in the beginning, it is so important that you have some kind of clarity, of where you want to go. And that those goals are adjusted every time. In the beginning well... when you start something, you have no idea what that is. This can be influenced by a grieving process, through which a rehabilitant and his informal caregivers need to cope with this life event. In the words of a rehabilitant with a traumatic arm fracture, I had that last Saturday. I broke down. ...And they stayed with me for a bit. Yes. Then you have to get over it, put it behind you. Theme 1.3: Informal caregivers Involvement of the informal caregiver in the rehabilitation process can have a positive effect. Participants see benefits in terms of increasing understanding for the situation of the rehabilitant, creating confidence, and providing additional exercise moments. As a rehabilitant with a lower limb amputation said, And then, for example, I went home last weekend. ... And then she does things that annoy me, that I don’t think are necessary. But she’s so scared because she doesn’t know what I am able to. But if they’ve already helped here a few times, then they gain confidence in the person. And as an informal caregiver said about his wish to exercise together with his spouse, Of course, therapy doesn’t go on all day. So, if you can overcome that yourself by doing other exercises. That sounds like a good idea, yes. The extent to which informal caregivers can provide support is determined by their resilience, but also by their relationship with the rehabilitant. As an informal caregiver explained, it is often quite normal for a spouse to be involved in the rehabilitation process,