Lian Tijsen

64 Chapter 3 But rehabilitants without experience in group training cannot see how it can be tailored to a rehabilitant’s needs, like this rehabilitant with a lower limb amputation, Not if it is not tailored specifically to the patient, then group therapy is not.... If it’s all the same patients.... Participants see an important role for nurses in stimulating and supporting rehabilitants by practicing meaningful tasks outside therapy moments. As one rehabilitant with traumatic fracture said, therapy moments can be created in all daily activities, But going alone is always therapy. So also sitting down in the chair and everything. At some point all of it is therapy. Rehabilitants think it is important to do patient-regulated exercises, but they want advice concerning safety of the exercises and prevention of overburden. For example this rehabilitant with a traumatic fracture, who thinks rehabilitants can be afraid to practice alone in the therapy room, I would love to, but then I would want someone there to see what you are going to do. I wouldn’t dare to do it on my own, just.... Theme 1.6: Peer support Peer support is important for support, motivation, learning, putting things in perspective, and recognition. As a rehabilitant with acquired brain injury said, And that’s why it’s so nice to be with people who have the same problem and you don’t have to explain anything, they just understand. That always feels so relaxed. Theme 1.7: Daily schedule Participants prefer to have input in the planning of their therapy moments and have these moments well spread in intensity throughout the day. In addition to