Lian Tijsen

65 Rehabilitants and informal caregivers’ perspectives of a Challenging Rehabilitation Environment therapy, they would appreciate the possibility to do activities, as an informal caregiver explained, You could see it in several people. That, in fact, outside therapy there was a sense of aimlessness. It wasn’t the active feeling of ‘I’m doing rehab now’. Theme 1.8: Nutrition Attention for good and tasty nutrition is important in a rehabilitation process, as one rehabilitant with a lower limb amputation explained, Eating well is also therapy. You need the energy to be able to do your therapy. I need my breakfast and my food for the diabetes. But I also need to do therapy. Mealtimes can play a role in task-oriented training but are also important to stimulate contact between rehabilitants and create a good ambiance. As a rehabilitant with acquired brain injury mentioned, But I think that for some people, because of course their rehabilitation takes a long time and they are alone. .... Then it’s nice when you don’t feel that you’re eating alone on top of all that. Theme 1.9: eHealth eHealth is defined as “the use of digital information and communication to support and/or improve health and health care.”15 Participants do think eHealth can make the rehabilitation process more fun, stimulate doing exercises and provide safety. But they do not think eHealth is always a necessary add-on to the rehabilitation process, as this informal caregiver summarized, Depending on what those technical things are for, of course. If the technical things contribute more to the recovery of the patient than the non-technical things, then I am all for the technical things. But if it doesn’t add much value, then I think well... 3