Lian Tijsen

66 Chapter 3 Category 2: Themes involving organizational processes This category consists of four main themes, namely 1) environmental aspects, 2) staff aspects, 3) organizational aspects, and 4) return home. Theme 2.1: Environmental aspects A rehabilitation center should be close to the residence of a rehabilitant. The wards should be small, with a shared living room and the possibility to go outside. The wards should provide practice options for the rehabilitants, such as aids required for rehabilitation, but also sufficient space to practice. As an informal caregiver said, it would be helpful if the therapy rooms are integrated in the ward, I imagine a rehabilitation department, which is fully integrated. Everything in one place. For rehabilitants with acquired brain injury, it is important to have low-stimulus areas on a rehabilitation ward. Individual bedrooms provide a low-stimulus area, exercise options, privacy and coping opportunities. As a rehabilitant with a lower limb amputation said, Just single rooms, so you can also deal with your emotions. Theme 2.2: Staff aspects Professionals working on a rehabilitation ward must have an empathic way of working, be able to support rehabilitants emotionally, and stimulate rehabilitants to practice. As an informal caregiver said about the desired attitude of professionals, Striving for independence, in an active way. Professionals must have good communication skills to communicate with rehabilitants and informal caregivers and within the team. Participants prefer small teams. This stimulates collaboration among professionals who feel they are responsible for the rehabilitation process.